ID Video Somewhere?
(too old to reply)
Blad Krytyczny
2006-03-19 17:00:11 UTC
It's a flash or cartoon-like video of some sort about IDs. It's kind of
comical and is concerned with some ID law. It's based from a
non-American English-speaking country, but I could be wrong on that.
Does anybody know where this video is?
2006-03-20 04:06:58 UTC
Sounds like fantasy-card Looks shady to me. - ncXVI
Blad Krytyczny
2006-03-23 16:52:26 UTC
No, it was a cartoon-like flash, and it had a political slant. It
wasn't a site advertising fake IDs, but the video whimsically advocated
getting multiple IDs. One thing that was mentioned was using multiple
IDs to get multiple government services.

I happened across it while I was busy doing something else, and I
didn't play it out entirely. I neglected to bookmark it and later I
deleted the history, so now I can't find it.

I think it was on a news or newspaper site that contained several
Blad Krytyczny
2006-03-23 17:34:47 UTC
Here it is:
The video is a protest against the proposed national ID system for the
UK. It's not quite like what I described from my memory. Here's an
article that explains a little: http://www.no2id.net/. There's more
here: http://www.no2id.net/IDSchemes/whyNot.php
