Clear Neon Spray?
(too old to reply)
2005-12-13 04:14:32 UTC
Hey all. Has anyone messed around with Clear Neon Spray as a way to
make a 3 color UV image for CA ids? Clear neon lasts a whole lot
longer than sirchie powders or UV inks from perfectionist and was
wondering if anyone has found a good technique to applying the spray.
Maybe emptying the ink from the spray canister into a hacked HP ink
cart. Let me know! Thanks!
2005-12-13 12:05:55 UTC
hmm, interesting...i think that the spray lasts longer than the inks
from perf because they are made for a different application.

The spray is meant to be exposed to the atmosphere...probably more of
an oil based spray because the volatility of the oil is next to
nothing. The inks that perf sells are alcohol and water based
(extremely volatile for the alcohol and somewhat for the water). They
are meant to be kept out of the atmosphere (hense the use with
lamination). So the inks from him dont last very long because they
evaporate. (Edit:this is pure speculation on the part of the spray
ink, if its not oil based than this doesnt work.)

Another reason he used alcohol based inks in the carts is because they
dont clog the print head...he went through many many tests to find out
what inks work and what inks didnt. The inks that didnt, he ran into
problems with the particles of the other material based inks clogging
the print head. he found out that alcohol based inks completely
dissolve the uv material. Therefore fixing his problem. The alcohol
inks also clear out anyother unwanted material in the head. The inks
themselves actually clean the print head.

He also has spent many hours searching for the best possible quality
inks. He went through many supplies before he settled on one if i
remember correctly.

you would not believe the work and r&d he went through to get these
carts to work. The threads he posted about the creation were a
testimony to his genius. He was a man on a mission.
2005-12-13 18:30:19 UTC
yes, I know perf well and know all of the work and time he has spent
perfecting his craft. He knows soo much about UV inks and took him a
while to finally find the best manufacturers of uv ink. His yellow inks
last a lot longer than his red inks and even if you run multiple
passes of each color, they wont last longer than like 4 months. The red
will completely disappear and the yellow will slightly be there after
4-6 months.
That is why I know some people are turning to clear neon, but I dont
know what their method is. I only know people who use the HP hacked ink
carts, even though I know you can do it with a canon printer too. Im
just guessing people using a silk screen and apply the ink via that,
but if anyone could write a tutorial and supply pictures on how to do
it all that would be amazing. Or any input that you might have. Thanks!
2005-12-13 23:29:31 UTC
I can't comment on UV inks specifically, but I've done my share of
hacking inkjet cartridges, and I have my doubts about running anything
labelled "clear coat" (on the Clear Neon Spray website) through them.
Before I figured out how to do Pearl Ex holos using regular yellow ink,
I really wanted to hack an HP #56 cart to use some sort of varnish, so
I could accomplish the same effect as an ALPS but without the
investment. I tried polyeurethane varnish, water-based varnish, and
shellac - all thinned down like crazy with their respective solvents -
and I couldn't get any of them to actually print. I messed up a few
cartridges along the way too. The only liquids I could ever get to work
were just pure water and alcohol. Shellac seemed promising because you
can thin it down in alcohol, but even in very low dilutions the shellac
would blacken the printhead and leave a nasty residue - presumably from
the heat. This is also what happened with the water-based varnish. I
have a feeling clear neon spray would do the same, at least in an HP
#56. Perhaps a printer with a piezo-electric print head would fare
2005-12-14 22:03:42 UTC
Just got an email back from perf regarding what he thinks about clear
neon spray and this is what he said:

"Have you tried spraying an entire laminate sheet with clear neon,
finish carting the uv temp onto the laminate and then scubbing the
extra off
the sheet?"

If anyone has any clear neon spray handy and wouldnt mind testing this
out, seeing if you can use 2 colors in an image and have it actually
look good, that would be great. Thanks!
